Friday 11 March 2011

Worth the wait...

The air at RedHeads Studio was filled first crush day excitement this morning, as we waited for V11 to get underway.

But before any of vintage happened, our morning began with a visit from the American Consulate who shared a coffee, and a bow and arrow competition, with Steve Grimley as they chatted about climate change, Virgin Wines' launch into the USA and as Steve put it profoundly "life in general".

Steve (second left) with Jock Harvey of Chalk Hill (far left) with our guests 

So as Steve hosted the official guest, the rest of us waited for the Shiraz to arrive, and everyone occupied themselves with a smile on their face, except Andrew who was charged with sorting out the site’s leaking effluent system.
But now IT’S HERE!

We were expecting 8 tonnes of Shiraz from a plot near Sellicks Beach, but we recieved 12 tonnes instead, and boy, does it look good (more on viticulturalist Adam Jacobs' view on why it looks so good over the weekend).
Meanwhile the RedHeads perma-team of Steve, Adam, Andrew and Jess were all on board to direct the crush, supported by three foreign workers, including Mitch Rhamdunnie, a stalwart RedHeads Studio vintage worker who’s come from Saudi Arabia but knows everyone here as though he was a local.
Built like a “brick sh*thouse” according to one Studio Member, and in true hard-man style, Mitch is about to get a tattoo across his chest reading Skin Deep to celebrate his new JV wine business with Studio Member Adam Hooper.

Perhaps more importantly, Mitch turns 40 on Tuesday and will be having a humdinger of a party in nearby town Willunga next weekend. Happy Birthday (in advance) Mitch!
More on the rest of the team soon.  Right now it’s time for beers, G&Ts, chips and dips, and maybe someone busting the odd move on the cellar door dancefloor, as we raise a glass to celebrate the thrills and spills of the next few weeks to come.
There's only one RedHeads, says Studio Member Nat McMurtrie...

Steve reminds himself how a forklift works after a year's hiatus


Studio Member Adam Hooper gets a spanner of a spanking from vintage worker Josipa Andrijanic between crushes

Vintage adrenalin and spanner spanking clearly wasn't enough for Adam or Josipa, so they decided to drag Studio Member Andrew into a compromising hose situation too 

Vintage is something to celebrate for our office workers too, as Deb Olivers shows here, who's so excited she busts a few nifty Flamenco moves

Winemaker Jess Hardy in her element

Studio Member Phil and vintage worker Mitch catch up with a beer after the end of the first day

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